Friday, November 10, 2006

Happy Birthday, Ethan!

I can't believe it's been a whole month since I last blogged! When it rains - it pours. And well lately it's just been raining busy! But I have to do a short blog in honor of my baby, Ethan. Well as of yesterday he's not a baby anymore. Five years ago yesterday our youngest was born at Riverview Hospital in Noblesville, Indiana. It was a scheduled C-section so of course I had my hair done and my make-up on and my nails done. (These are luxuries you take when you know when your baby is arriving.) The house was completely ready for the new baby to arrive. The one thing I wasn't totally prepared for is what happened following the C-section. Ethan was born 7 lbs. 12 ozs. and 19 inches long. He cried a hearty cry and had great color. They kept me on the table to finish sewing me up and Jason went with our new baby boy and the nurses to the nursery to clean the baby up and show him off to the family eagerly waiting on the other side of the glass in the nursery waiting room. The rest of it Jason told me about later. My best friend Lynne had been present during the operation, a freak blessing due to the timing of her finishing her clinicals, and she was with Jason as he carried Ethan down the hall. She happened to notice Ethan's color changing. The nurses quickly took him and began giving him oxygen. They discovered that Ethan's lungs weren't fully developed and the more he breathed the weaker his lungs became. He didn't have the lubricant on the inside of the lungs that keep them from sticking together when you breathe. So they rushed him to Riley Children's Hospital and hooked him to several tubes and machines. Jason stayed with him there until they let me leave my hospital a day and a half later. That was the longest and loneliest day and a half I've ever had. Ethan was very touch and go for the first week. When I first saw him I couldn't stop the tears. He had a machine breathing for him that made his chest pump up and down in a very mechanical way. He had patches over his eyes because he couldn't have anything stimulating at all - we couldn't even touch him at first. His body was all puffy and swollen from the morphene they were sedating him with. He didn't look anything like the baby I had just welcomed to the world a day and a half earlier. They told us a few times that he might not make it. A few times it truly looked like they might be right. They also told us that he would likely spend 2 or 3 months in the hospital. But we prayed and believed that he'd be healed and be home by Thanksgiving. God is great!!! The day before Thanksgiving we took him home! He never had to go back again. Just a few follow-up checks and one year later they gave him a clean bill of health!! God is faithful! Thank you Jesus for giving us our wonderful little Jason look-a-like!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Oh, what a man!

Blogs are for bragging, right? It's been a hectic couple of weeks so I've gotten behind on blogging again. But I wanted to jump on and add a "brag" really quick. For those of you who might not know what Jason does - well he's an Economic Development Director. It basically means that he works for our city government and oversees several areas that all lead to bettering the economic future of Kokomo. He certainly doesn't do it all alone! But I think that is part of what's so special about him. He not only compassionately and skillfully leads his own staff but he also works with many other community leaders and organizations. Very often I will meet someone from Kokomo that will say something like, "Oh, I know your husband! He worked with us on (insert community project here)! He had such great ideas! He's really smart! He was so great to work with!" OK so all those quotes has exclamations! Not everyone is as dramatic as me. But in general they all seem to be genuinely impressed by his intelligence and charm. He impresses me! Last week he was interviewed by a local business TV show. He just seemed so natural and humble and charming. Can you tell I'm a little biased? Well I am! I think he's Mr. Wonderful! If you'd like to see how biased I am then you can watch his TV interview. Just go to and click on the top story. You'll learn a little about Kokomo and get to watch the most handsome man on Indiana television!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Misery loves company!

OK, I am such a bad person! I just read my friend, Michelle's, blog. I must say I smiled and smirked to know that she has had a similar week to mine. I know it's mean, but you see, she is just perfect in so many ways...and well knowing she also isn't a morning person gives me slight enjoyment. My husband has also been gone this week. I wrote in my last blog how I was gathering myself up and changing my attitude because I had been quite the baby because he was getting to go to New York and not me. OK - the truth is that this has turned into a week long battle. At times I've swayed from good attitude to bad attitude as fast as within 15 minutes periodically. There you have it. I feel like the Apostle Paul when he says, "the things I want to do I don't do, and the things I don't want to do I do." If you just inserted "feel" in there everytime it says "do" you'd have some insight into my internal battle this week. I'm not as smart as Michelle. I guess I keep thinking that if I don't go to bed then he's not really gone. It's so silly! I know that I'll be the one with the kids the whole next day - and it's not fair to have a sleepy mommy. A sleepy mommy is a grumpy mommy in our house. My boys are so funny. They get up in the middle of the night and they stealthily walk into my room and then just stand at the side of the bed until I wake up. So it's always a startling wake up while I whisper out loudly, "who's there?" I don't know why I ask because it's always one of the boys- but I have to admit it scares me everytime. But I am such a sleepy head that I don't get up and walk them back to their bed. I just pull back the covers and let them in. Grace just sleeps quietly in her own bed. Did I say quietly? Oh I forgot to mention that she often talks loudly or yells out in her sleep. She's such a social child that she must dream of playing with her friends because I'll be sound asleep and then she'll yell out, "I'm next!" Or, "Will!" Sometimes she just laughs really loud. It suddenly wakes me up and I sit straight up in bed and it takes me a minute to figure out what just happened. As loudly as Jason snores you'd think that when he's gone I'd sleep like a baby. But I don't. And just like Michelle I spend most of the morning with the coffee cup pressed against my lips. I even decorated my kitchen in coffee decor. So now I'm sitting here singing, "The best part of waking Foldgers in my cup!"
Please go to the following connection and enjoy!
Or if you really love mornings like me and this one!!!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I'm so glad that I have a husband who loves the Lord with all his heart! Today is Sunday and this morning I had a bad case of "bad attitude". You see today Jason flies to New York City for a conference. I wanted so bad to go with him! It just didn't work out this time. But like any "child" that doesn't get their way I spent a great deal of the morning feeling sorry for myself. Jason was so patient. He was very loving with me and I could tell he was standing in faith for me. That's one of the beautiful benefits of marriage. When one of you feels weak the other stands strong. He was very strong this morning. Very positive. Very loving. And very patient. I often give my children this great little lecture about how we don't get our way when we throw a fit. I frequently tell them that now that they've thrown a fit I can't give them what they wanted. I tell them that when they don't get their way they have a choice to either feel sorry for themselves and focus on yucky feelings or they can choose to shake it off and count their blessings. Yikes. Today I really needed my own lecture. The Pastor's message today was titled "A Day of Liberation". The text was Luke 13:10-17. He pointed out that the crippled woman was there in the synagogue again - even after 18 years of being bent over and crippled. When Jesus saw her he called her forward and said, "Woman, you have been set free from your infirmity." She could have felt sorry for herself that day and not went to hear the teaching. She could have held bitterness in her heart for the 18 years she spent not healed. She could have chosen to focus on thoughts of doubt and unbelief. What if she had said to herself, "Why should I bother going again. God has forgotten me. God must not really love me or He would have healed me many years ago. I'm just a nobody." Maybe she did have some of those thoughts that morning. Maybe she didn't even notice Jesus noticing her. But in His great love and grace He was attracted to her. He heard her silent cry. He touched her and gave her the desire of her heart. If she had let her actions be driven by doubt and self-pity she never would have seen her dream realized. So today as my heart wants to act like a child and total up all the little tiny things that I didn't get when I wanted - I choose to let my faith mobilize my actions and not my feelings. I choose to stand and proclaim that His Word is true. I have benefits because my life has been redeemed from the pit and I'm crowned with love and compassion. He satisfies my desires with good things - and my youth will be renewed like the eagle's. He has compassion on me, His child. (Psalm 103) He has come to give me a life that is full and abundant! (John 10:10) God is able to make all grace abound to me, so that in all things at all times, having all that I need, I will be able to abound in every good work. And He will make me rich in every way so that I can be generous on every occasion, and it is through this generosity that thanksgiving and praise will be given to God. (2 Cor. 9:8-11) So today I'm shaking it off and counting my blessings! I've got a lot to count. Thank you, Lord, for Jason!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

It's in the Motherhood Bylaws!

I find it absolutely ironic and somewhat blonde that I participated in last night's family events considering my good friend's recent blog. You'll have to go see "sofabellie" at the "my friend's blogs" on the right side. Recently Julie blogged about cooking with her two little girls. Well last night all three of my children magically remembered that Grace had gotten an Easy Bake oven for Christmas last year. After she got it for Christmas we had to try it out and I think we made a couple of things during the holiday break. But then I put it up in the pantry so that no one would be tempted to get it out and try to cook on their own. Maybe I'm a terrible mom but I just conveniently forgot that it was up there. Before you judge me remember back to the Easy Bake days of your yesteryear. You have to preheat that little light bulb inside for about 15 minutes before you start. Then it takes about 15 minutes for that little light bulb to cook anything. And do you remember what those little mixes tasted like? Well yesterday all three kids really wanted to get it down and make a Friday night desert. So being that it's in the Motherhood Bylaws that you must oblige children when they want to help in the kitchen because it stimulates their learning and is like quality family time or something - I put a smile on my face and got down the Easy Bake. All three kids lined up beside the counter top on three chairs. There was a little fussing on how close the boys were to Grace since she was going to do the actual baking. And then the boys had to push each other off their chairs at least once or twice before we could actually start cooking. So then with a smile that went from here to Connecticut Grace mixed up the little tiny packet of chocolate brownie mix and smeared it into the little tiny baking pan and then put it in the oven. She let Will set the timer for 12 minutes and then went to mixing the frosting. A little too much water accidentally went into the frosting so it kinda ended up like chocolate water. Then the awaited moment arrived and we took out the teenie weenie brownie only to decide that it was a little too crusty and too small to properly delight our family of five. So I went to the cupboard and pulled out a box of chocolate cake mix and we mixed that up with one less egg and a little more oil (so we didn't have a rising catastrophe in the Easy Bake). We then baked five little cakes one by one in the Easy Bake (although at this point I no longer think that "easy" deserves to be in the name). At 12 minutes per cake plus the couple minutes of "oooooh"ing and "aaaahhh"ing in between - it turned out to be a couple of hours of family fun. My little creative princess decided the cakes would be properly topped with a scoop of ice cream - and well - she was right! I spent two hours patiently and was rewarded with chocolate and ice cream. Friday fun!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

If at first you don't succeed!

I know the idea here is that I blog close to everyday. I'm not sure why I keep falling behind. So what's been happening to me this week? Well, Monday I decided if I was going to keep this running consistent I'd have to come up with a new daily time. Through the spring and summer the sun was up till 9 or 10pm. I'd put the kids down and let Jason unwind while I went jogging about 8:30pm. I was doing pretty good and up to about 6.5 miles. OK I know this is hard to believe but in about 3 weeks I've slid way back! I decided that there would be no schedule conflicts or excuses if I changed my run time to 5AM! By no excuses I mean other than the "I'm so tired I can't wake up!" excuse! So did I run Monday at 5AM? Yes. How did it go? Well, 1/3 of the way through I must not have had as much spring in my step as usual because I caught my toe in the sidewalk and went flying through air and landed on my hands and knees. The good news: I yelled shoot on the way down. (Although it was still dark out and nobody was awake yet- so you just have to take my word for it that "shoot" is what I yelled.) The bad news: I won't be wearing short skirts for a while.) So your next question is: How did your run go Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I'm still working on the schedule. Do I still get kudos if I sandwich the week and just run Monday and Friday? For the record I did get up and keep running after I fell. I'm really trying. You know what they say...If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. What can I say - I don't give up.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

"Forgive me for I have not blogged."

It's been a crazy week! Tonight I sat down with the computer and realized that it's been a week since I last blogged. I felt like I should be going to computer confession. I must make this short though because the Colts are playing NY Giants. Manning against Manning!! How exciting! But don't think I'm too much of a sports guru - I've enjoyed the Peyton Manning commercials as much as I have the game. Bowl of cereal - about $1. Oversized candle on the coffee table - $6. Fuzzy blanket "borrowed" from mother-in-law 6 months ago - free. Cuddling with my Hunky Husband while watching the Colts - PRICELESS!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Labor Day!

Don't you just hate it when you go to look up a house online - or look up a picture in a yearbook - and it says, "No Photo Available"? Well unfortunately for all time when my kids go to recall Labor Day 2006 that's exactly what they'll find. Here's why: We decided at the last minute to go down to Indy Sunday night and stay at the Holiday Inn where the Caribbean's Cove is located. Since Sunday afternoon I was sitting an open house till 4PM that meant afterwards I was running around my house trying to get everyone packed for the last minute sleepover. I didn't do too bad packing! I managed to pack our entire family of 5 into one single bag for the overnight trip! Not too shabby, eh? OK, so Jason is insisting that I note that HE packed his stuff in the bag and now he's trying to turn it into WE packed all our stuff into 1 bag. Whatever. So anyway we had a wonderful evening jumping on the bed in the hotel. (A tradition we adopted from Aunt Michelle and practice religiously.) We went out to eat at one of the hotel restaurants, which was a little eventful because some of the kitchen staff got into a fight back in the kitchen so we got to listen to it from out in the restaurant. Then we cuddled and watched TV and got ready for bed. It was kinda funny because the hotel messed up our reservation a little. Did you ever watch the Seinfeld episode where he argues with the car rental place and tells them, "So you're good at TAKING the reservation, it's the KEEPING the reservation that you don't do."? Our reservation turned out just like that so we ended up in a room that had one king bed and a "complimentary" roll away bed waiting for us in the room. It's a good thing that the roll away was complimentary because I don't think they could have paid someone to sleep on it. But Jason and I thought - the kids won't care! Kids will sleep on anything. Wrong. Jason went out for a walk while I tried to get the kids to sleep. Let's just say when he came back all the kids were not in the roll away. They were in our bed. Our little princess was the first to point out that it was just too uncomfortable - guess she felt the pea. So we did like any good parents would do. We waited till they were all asleep and then put them in the roll away. But then it's the funniest thing. Next thing I know I'm waking up the next morning and all the kids are back in our bed and lo and behold - what the? - I'm in the roll away by myself! I think I must have decided that it was too crowded during the night and picked lumpiness over toes in my nose. Monday we went for breakfast then headed to the indoor water park. It was awesome! I wish we would have caught on film their simultaneous "WWOOOOWWW" when we walked in. Oh yeah, the lack of pictures. While WE were frantically packing I looked everywhere for the new digital camera that I had just used the other day - but it was nowhere to be found! It was mystifying! So I went to grab the video camera and realized that I had forgot to plug it in so it didn't have enough battery power. So the weekend was left to be captured by the recesses of our minds. Back to the story- the water park was wonderful! It had a big kid's area that was really shallow and filled with water falling, spraying all around, and a big ship sort of thing in the middle with a huge wooden bucket over the whole thing. Water continually poured into the gigantic wooden bucket and when it got so full it would start to ding to let you know it was about to tip. So all the kids would run around to the side where it poured out and then there would be a beautiful sounding gleeful scream as the giant bucket would pour TONS of water over all the children standing below. Then over on the other side there was a lazy river where you could float around through it in inter tubes. And if that wasn't fun enough there were huge tubes above that made the biggest water slides that I've seen. There was one yellow slide that was big enough that you could fit a double inter tube in - that's the one we took Grace and Will down several times. Then there was a green tube and a blue tube that you just sat down and slide down on your own. We decided the kids weren't quite ready for that yet. It's a good thing because Jason decided to try them out. He started with the blue tube. When he got down he came to me and said it was absolutely terrifying! He said the entire slide it was pitch black! You were sliding down at a high rate of speed, being bumped all around, and the whole way you couldn't see a thing. I'm so glad we didn't send Will down that!!! He said the green wasn't quite as bad - but still a little too much for the kids. So the whole day we enjoyed playing and laughing and having the greatest time. Much to the kids' dismay we eventually had to leave. It was the funniest thing. We were home settling down for the night and I was mumbling how disappointed I was that I hadn't found the camera. I was trying to convince everyone that I was absolutely sure that I had laid it on the bar when just by chance I glanced up at the bookshelf. It was on the very top of the bookshelf! I can barely reach the top of the bookshelf! That's when the kids said, "Oh yeah, the babysitter put it there the other night because she caught us playing with it." I had found it one hour after we had returned home. Well there is one picture that will make me think of this weekend. This is the picture I found on the camera when I turned it on.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Family Pictures

We haven't had a family picture taken for a few years! So this was fun. I quickly remembered why we only do professional pictures every year or so. The kids were - well - kids. Grace did pretty good. She likes getting her picture taken. The boys like getting their picture taken too - but for an entirely different reason. They like making a sport out of pretending to make sweet smiles and then as soon as the photographer says "ready, set, - cheese" on cheese the boys quickly change to a face they feel would be particularly comical for family pictures. Yes it was so much fun! We really wanted one of the kids by themselves and one of the guys all together. Those didn't happen. We got this family picture, one of Jay and I, and one really cute one of Grace with me. I'll post those later. For now let's just enjoy the family picture. Aaaahhhhh, don't they just look like such a nice, sane, controlled, peaceful, perfect little family. --Yeah that's why you get family pictures taken!

On a serious note - I really am blessed! I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful family. Yesterday I was showing a home and there was a little plaque on the wall that said, "I could not be more proud and thankful for anything so much as to know that my children love the Lord." I almost started to cry. There reallly is no more satisfying feeling than when one of your children shares from their heart how much they love the Lord! Thank you God!!!!!

Friday, September 01, 2006

School's Cool!

We're back in school and it's so cool!!!
I can't believe the summer's over. Today the kids finished their second week of school. We are so proud of them. Grace is in 2nd grade. Last year she transfered to a new school 3 weeks into the school year because we found out she qualified for the gifted and talented program our public school offers. The whole year Will didn't think it was fair that now she got to ride a bus because her school was farther away. It wasn't my idea for anyone to ride a bus, but since her bus driver was a good friend of ours I relented for her to ride in the mornings. Well we were so excited to find out this summer that Will qualified for gifted and talented program as well! They call it the "Key" program and we just love it! It's also cool 'cause our neighbor is their new principal.
All kids are different and they all have talents in different areas. Grace is an incredible reader and writes like nothing I've ever seen before. Will is totally fascinated by anything science related and does great in math. Both are dramatic! I don't know where they get that from!
Yesterday I had to make a trip to the school so that Ethan and I could deliver their newly caught Praying Mantis to them. Ethan discovered it the day before while the other two were at school and when they got home you would have thought we had found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!
Today we let it go. Will got very upset and insisted we let the poor guy go because after all, "Praying Mantis' are almost extinct! If we don't let him go he'll never grow up and have a family and children!"
They just love school and I'm glad! Maybe tomorrow I'll download their first day of school pics and tell some of their fun stories about their first days of school.
Love them! Love them! Love them!
(p.s. This picture was taken earlier this summer. One day they were all upstairs playing and proudly came down all dressed exactly alike. They were so thrilled with themselves they insisted I take their picture. They picked the place in the garden even. They're kinda shy that way!)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Candi Can!

Candi Can!
Ok, so you may be laughing now! But this is my new slogan. School has begun for the kids and my life is changing. My two oldest are now in school all day. Now during the day it's just me and my 4 year old home -who has insisted he must go to preschool. What a difference! So my house should be immaculate, I should have everything organized, and I should be floating around the house looking and sounding like Martha Stewart - right? Wrong! Through much prayer and a lot of Divine nudging I have made my jump into a full time real estate career. For the past 4 years I've been selling at a model home on the weekends - but now I'm investing my time, my money, a lot of hard work, and my ego into a full blown career.
So now you know the reason for the glammy headshot! For years I've said that I was going to do this and do it right. So I am. Meanwhile, I'm on my knees praying that God will give me wisdom, courage, compassion and unrelenting integrity! I believe I CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens me! That's why I'm not ashamed to make "Candi can!" my personal slogan. Today this phrase came to my mind and both confirmed and inspired my resolve to go all out and do everything God gives me creativity, wisdom, and strength to do. Hope that it inspires you.
The only obstacle standing between me and success
is the huge chasm between my dreams and my actions!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

What next? May 21, 2006

It’s been awhile since I last blogged. I must say that I really do miss having a personal trainer! I’ve been in the gym, but it has been hit and miss. Having the appointment set to meet a trainer 3 times a week pretty much guarantees you’ll be in the gym 3 times a week! But the good news is that I have lost a few more pounds. I’m down a total of 27 pounds now. And I have been running. Last week I went in to the gym twice and ran on my own once. I really am enjoying the running and have determined to make it part of my daily schedule. I think where I’ve been going wrong so far is that I wake up and decide that “sometime today I’m going to run”. But with a husband, 3 kids, ballgames, a house to clean, and all the other miscellaneous things that pop up on any given day – I usually get to about 7:30 pm and realize I better run now or I won’t get it in today! Many times we are gone, or Jason is gone, or by that time I think I’m just too tired and so I don’t get my run in. It’s true that if something really is the priority of your day you better do it first thing. It’s the same with my quiet times with God. Unfortunately many times I do the same thing with alone time with Him that I do with running. So how do I resolve this scheduling dilemma? I make both of them my first on my to-do list. I have got to resolve to get up at what ever hour of the morning that it takes to go for a run and have some alone time with my number one Love! So my goal for this week is to get up each morning – Monday through Saturday- and go for a run and spend a while in the Word afterwards. It’s true that the greatest accomplishments in life didn’t just happen by chance. Someone set a goal and then worked and kept working until they reached that goal. If you aim for nothing you’ll hit it every time! So one goal I had was to increase the distance of my running. I have consistently been running 3 miles almost every other day. I read in an article for beginning runners that the first 3 miles are the hardest and that if you can run 3 you can run 5. So last Thursday I clocked out 4 miles and decided that I would work my way up to 5 miles. I would run 4 first and then after a week increase it to 5. So I was running Thursday evening and I ran the 4 miles I had mapped out and I had only been running 35 minutes. I had told Jason that I’d be back home in 45 minutes to an hour. So since I still had lots of time left I just kept running. I ran till I had been gone 50 – 55 minutes. When I got home I grabbed the van keys and excitedly told Jason that I thought I had just run 5 miles and that I needed to go drive it to check the mileage. Sure enough I had run just barely over 5 miles!!! So now I know I can do it! The key now is to keep doing it and set a new goal. Where do I want to go next? What should my next mileage goal be? Dunno! I’ve got some research to do. What's next? I’ll let you know soon what the next goal is!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

5/11/06 On the Road Again!!

OK so I'm not going anywhere. But I am on the road again to this making a change in my life - stuff. The contest ended last week. I lost. But the truth is we all won. (I know it's cheesy, but true.) So I took a few days off. I didn't do anything stupid like eat us out of house and home. I still kept my nutrition sane. I just didn't go into the gym for a few days. And I didn't run. And you guessed it - I missed the running! My running friend, Erin, and I haven't been able to coordinate our running schedule yet - and go figure - I can't seem to get myself up and out the door at 5:30 AM on my own. It's one thing that I really need to change. I do better when I'm up early. I have a better run when I do it early. I feel close to God when I run early. Nothing is more spiritually fulfilling then running as the sun comes up and hearing the birds start to sing and watching the world come alive. It's like your heart and mind joins the rest of creation in praising the Creator! But no birds for me. I've been hitting the snooze! Monday I just plain out took a vacation. I put on decent clothes and spent the day without sweating even once and enjoyed the feeling of looking nice everywhere I went. (Usually I get busy after leaving the gym and find myself running errands still in my workout clothes not getting too close to anyone hoping that no one smells me!) So it was nice having a day where I looked nice all day. Then Tuesday my guilt won out and I went in to the gym. I didn't go nutso or anything. I just did the elliptical for 30 minutes and then ran on the treadmill for about 15 minutes. You know what was sad though? I could have and should have ran longer. But because there was no trainer looking over my shoulder I stopped when I felt like it. I'm telling you - accountability is the key!! But the great thing was that it was wonderful to see everyone at the gym. I really love seeing everyone's faces!! Then I kinda took Wednesday off as well. I got busy cleaning and doing house work. So today I knew I had to get in again!!!! I got busy again with housework and errands and really tried to procrastinate working out away. But it didn't work and I found myself walking through those gym doors about 5:30 this evening. I knew from a friend that there was a Tubo Kick Class at 6:30 but wasn't totally committed to it at first. Instead I got on the treadmill and started running. I bumped up my speed to faster than I have before and determined that I wouldn't stop till I ran 4 miles. OK so I only ran 3. But partly because I decided to go to Turbo Kick. I really enjoyed the class! I kept up a little better than I thought I would. But I quickly discovered that my hop has escaped my hip and is no longer hip-hoppy at all. I got in all the moves but let's just say that I didn't look like the Turbo Jam infomercial. Next time I'll get more jiggy with it! But for now I need to come up with a consistent schedule and start making some goals! I've still got 30 pounds to drop.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

The new challenge: Can I reach my final goal? 5-7-07

Today marks the beginning of my new challenge. In many ways this challenge is harder. I tend to have a little bit of a competitive streak in me so I tend to work a little harder when it's a game. But it isn't a game anymore. This is a lifestyle now and I still have to keep going. I've learned so much about being healthier and stronger but I still have so much to learn.

MY FINAL NOTE: My last entry of the contest 5-6-06

We are now at the end of a wonderful journey. Or is this just the beginning? It’s actually quite difficult for me to put into words my ending thoughts…and you know me – I’m seldom at a loss for words. I have to begin by first giving my very deepest thanks to Powerhouse Gym and Chad and Kim Coy! Chad and Kim are two of the most generous people I have ever met. Even though there can only be one winner in this contest Chad and Kim made it possible for all of us feel like winners. Do you realize that the cost of the past 39 training sessions would normally cost about $3000? Yet that’s the gift that the Powerhouse Gym gave to each and everyone of us during this competition. And yet this gift was so much more than just what it’s worth in terms of monetary value. I have tremendously enjoyed these training sessions! I know that statement makes one want to laugh given all my crying, whining, and aching. But the personal training is where I learned. I started the competition wanting to cry before I went to my training session. Then after one or two sessions I cried during my training sessions. Towards the end as I felt myself getting stronger and I found myself accomplishing more than I thought I could I fought back tears of joy as I left. I really am grateful to all the trainers that helped me. Chad, Rob, and Dutch were the three that got stuck with me the most. Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. Chad tortured me like he would a little sister. Rob encouraged me and then made my legs ache like I never thought possible. And Dutch chided me and pushed me and always gave me a high five and a “great job” at the end. Even the trainers that I never personally got to train with were very encouraging to me. Shelly helped me with my measurements and always gave me a smile. Tyson encouraged me, then he teased me with false reports of the other competitors progress just to get me going, and then on occasion would stop by and help my trainer make things even tougher for me. And the other contestants became so much more that competitors. They became true friends. I admire Michelle. I’m baffled by Jeff. And I absolutely adore my new friend and true winner – Erin! And most of all I can’t forget my most important partner – my loving husband. Without him and his faithful love and encouragement I wouldn’t have started this let alone make it through to the end. I learned so much at the Powerhouse Gym - this home away from home! I learned that you don’t have to fear the logo with the powerlifter and the drooping weights. Inside I found people just like me. People of all body types and hair and skin color. People that I have grown to love and look forward to seeing. They are all there with a common bond- just trying to carve out a healthier lifestyle. I think I’ve found that life. Here at the end I find myself instinctively eating smaller portions. I can eyeball a plate and just know if it’s over 400 calories. I even think I have more of a desire to eat to live rather than to live to eat. And most of all I feel the strongest I’ve ever felt. I really mean that. In my past I’ve lost weight dozens of times. Sometimes even more weight even faster than I did this time. But for me this time wasn’t just about losing weight. I mean I thought it was at the beginning. But now I realize it was about so much more. The other day Kim called me an athlete and I just wanted to laugh out loud. While I still wouldn’t place that title on myself just the thought that someone like her would lovingly flatter me with those words means that something more than my waistline has changed. Let me tell you what changed on the outside first. My weight went from 179 to 156.2. Thanks to Shelly I know that I lost 20 ½ inches over all. I went from a size 16 jeans to a comfortable 12 and soon to be comfortable 10. And while all of that is exciting – let me tell you the best news. Here’s what you won’t notice when you pass me on the street. I can run. I like to run. And I have an inner strength that pushes me to keep going. I no longer cry when I’m getting dressed up to go out on a special occasion. I’m not hiding anymore when I spot an old friend at the grocery store. When we hang out with friends I enjoy listening to them and find myself pulled in to them instead of weighed down with thoughts of how uncomfortable I am and fighting the desire to run home and hide in my sweatpants. And when I walk into the local coffee shop I notice others instead of hoping none of them notice me. That’s what I wanted from the beginning. To be healthy and strong enough on the inside that I focus on others and not myself. It’s odd isn’t it? That all this work on me has helped me be more loving to others again. And in the end to me that’s what it’s all about. God gave us each other because we help each other grow and change. In the end I’ve become convinced that there are three key ingredients to lifelong change. You have to have the willingness to give up and not do it your way anymore. You have to have the resolve to persevere knowing that good things really don’t happen overnight. And third you have to have the partnership of others who care about you and are faithful to keep you accountable no matter how you think you feel at the moment. We need each other. Those of you who have been so sweet and patient to read these articles and share in my thoughts and encourage me on the street – thank you! You made the journey special. Let’s keep changing and growing together. If you’d like to continue the journey together you can find all my past blogs and all my future ones at See you there and at the gym! Sign up at the Powerhouse or gym of your choice tomorrow and let’s continue together!!

Thursday (4/27/06)

Today is a new day and my daughter sweetly reminded me that it was a day that God has made and so we just gotta rejoice and be glad in it! What an angel! I do feel so much better today. Don’t tell anyone but I think that I’ve gotten a little addicted. Tonight I tested out the ankle and went for a three mile run. Yiippppeeeee! I just can’t tell you how elated I felt to be running again! I truly never thought I’d say those words. I hate running! But it felt so good!!!!! Oh my gosh – I think I like running! No I don’t. Yes I do!! I do! I do like running! Can we keep this a secret?

Wednesday (4/26/06)

Everyone has bad days. When you’re a woman sometimes you just can’t explain them. Today I was kinda grumpy, extra tired, and felt slightly emotional. Poor Dutch had to be my trainer today. I gave it my all today – I just didn’t have a lot to give. I really felt like somebody had drained my mojo!! No mojo left!! Must sleep!! Tomorrow will be better!

Tuesday (4/25/06)

Busy day. I went with Grace on a field trip. I don’t know how these teachers do it! I’m not sure what did me in more – 75 first graders running around the Muncie Children’s Museum and trying to help keep track of them – or the hour and a half bus ride there and back. There is a reason why kids ride school buses and not grown ups! A couple of moms that I hadn’t met before asked if I was one of the contestants on the fitness challenge. I said yes and go to talk with them a little about what a great experience this has been. One of them said she thought she recognized me and then said she noticed at lunch that I was eating a protein bar. Whew! Good thing I’ve been honest and diligent on the nutrition stuff. Would’ve been pretty embarrassing if I’d been whoofing down Ding Dongs, huh? After I got home made supper, got baths done and tucked the kids in bed I did 40 minutes on my skier and pushups and abs. Every day counts! The end is getting close.

Monday (4/24/06)

I had a training session with Chad today again. I love Chad! He knew my ankle wasn’t completely back to normal yet so he was very creative with my workout so I wouldn’t strain it more. It’s hard to explain why I can do some stuff with no pain, but anything that would cause my calf to flex or me to go up on my toes would still hurt like heck. Good news is that it got me out of stairs. Bad news is the creative workout – well let’s just say I’m really glad no one got it on video. In order to work my legs without extending my calves he came up with the ingenious idea of dragging out an 80 pound bag with a giant rubber band attached to it and then he put two 20 pound balls on top of it. The assignment was for me to drag this back and forth across the gym using my legs but keeping them straight and keeping my feet flat so I didn’t strain my ankle. He quickly decided that it wasn’t heavy enough so he added a 60 pound ball on top of that! Yes I may be blonde but even I can add that up and know I was dragging around 180 pounds. Let’s just say I didn’t look like Miss America during the evening gown competition. I jokingly discovered that I was pulling around my husband’s body weight. So let’s hope nothing sinister ever happens to him because now there is proof that I could drag – well you get the picture. Chad said it was knowledge that would help Jason “keep his soul straight”. It’s a joke!!!! Honey, I absolutely adore you!!!!! Just for the record Jason Hester is the love of my life and I adore him more than mere words could ever describe. Darling, you are my hero!!!!!

Sunday (4/23/06)

I had the uncanny urge to run tonight! Alas no running yet! Chad was kind enough to do something to my ankle that he said would help it out a lot. It’s hard to explain – but I laid on my stomach and he flexed my foot and then pulled his hand from my heel to my calf in a very strong way that felt like he had just carved out the back of my leg! Why does everything that will make you better have to hurt so dog gone much? Even though this “treatment” hurt he was absolutely right! (As always!) That evening after I iced it again it was feeling like I could walk without a limp again. Again – thanks Chad!!!

Saturday (4/22/06)

I am so bummed! Well I guess I pushed it a little too hard the last 2 days. After I left the gym yesterday my ankle seemed a little sore. By 7PM I got tears in my eyes while walking. It seems I pulled something in the back of my ankle. Whatever that is that connects your heel to your calf back there turns out to be pretty darn important. Last night we had to take Grace to IUK for a Young Readers Conference. I had on modest low heels. By the time we left there I was humbly walking out barefoot and with a limp. Of course I went straight to the experts. No not the hospital – I contacted Kim Coy. She said “ICE”. No not just a simple ice pack on the ankle. She said to fill a bucket with ice and water and then submerge your foot and ankle in it and then leave it there. She said it would burn but to leave it there as long as possible. So I did what she said and in my foot went into the bucket of ice water. Did you know ice is cold? Yeah! Really cold! After about 45 seconds I was ready to take it out. My precious and supportive husband was looking out for me though so he leaned on my knee so that it was physically impossible to lift my foot from the bucket. He reminded me that the searing pain throughout my entire foot from cold was going to help my ankle. And of course he had wise compassionate words to comfort me by. I think he said, “Honey you can do this! Pro athletes sometimes take an entire bath in ice water like this! You can keep your foot in here for 20 minutes!” OK now I have really weird mental pictures going on in my head. Personally I don’t think it’s humanly possible for a conscious person to stick their whole body in ice water. No way! But as usual Kim was right when my foot thawed and I had feeling back there was less pain in my ankle. Still I spent the day Saturday walking tenderly and avoiding stairs whenever possible. And Jason did take good care of me and let me lay on the couch Saturday night and prop my foot up – after another ice soak – while he took care of the kids and rented a movie for he and I. He really is the best!!!!!! But the saddest part of the weekend is that I had to cancel on the Race For the Cure Run. I was so bummed that Erin and I weren’t running it. We have VOWED to enter the next one we can find!

Friday (4/21/06)

Today started foggy. I guess you could say that even though the actual fog disappeared right after the sun came up – it kinda lingered with me all day. When you have 3 small children a 2 hour school delay can throw your schedule for a loop! My appointment to train with Chad today was for 10AM. Because of the delay Grace had to be at school at 11AM. Hmmmmm. Could cancel my training. No not an option – cancel on Chad and you can just expect to run stairs for the rest of your life. So I came in with all three kids put them in the daycare and went in for a “quickie” with Chad. In training terms that means we would condense my workout so I could leave at quarter till to get Grace to school in time. You might be thinking that made my workout a little easier. NOT! As Chad put it – since we had less time instead of doing the normal weight I usually do for lots of reps I could push myself and do a whole lot more weight for fewer reps. It was tough. But I did do more than I thought I could. There is no obstacle that Chad cannot hurdle!

Thursday (4/20/06)

So I’m not sure what got into me today. But I was just really irked by the fact that this week I was holding a pound or two that I don’t know where it came from! (It couldn’t have been Easter dinner!) So I just wanted to see how far I could push myself. And I seriously needed to shed some serious calories. So I went to the gym. As I walked in Tyson said, “You need to not leave here until you’ve burned 700 calories.” Feeling the need to out do him I said, “I’ll burn 1,000!” Then as I walked upstairs I thought to myself – now how am I going to do that? I’ll tell you how you do that. 65 minutes on the elliptical – 700 calories. 30 minutes running on the treadmill – 300 calories. The feeling that I really did do it – priceless! Not recommended for everyday. But what a great feeling today!

Wednesday (4/19/06)

Let’s go Dutch!!! Yeah, another workout with Dutch! Today the funnest part with Dutch was the wall squats with the hold at the end. So I’m standing with my back to the wall and one of those big balls between my back and the wall. I do 25 squats and then he says at the last one to just stay squatted, like in a seated position, and just hold it there for a minute. Well he decided that a minute looked to easy so I had to hold it, and hold it, and hold it. Oh and thank you Tyson for coming along and encouraging me! And by that I mean telling me to sit even lower when my thighs are shaking they burn so bad. Then Tyson thought it’d be more fun if he dropped a heavy ball in my lap! I’m so glad we can all have fun with my pain. Please – one trainer is torture enough!!!! :)

Tuesday (4/18/06)

I love running first thing in the morning! Erin came over at 6AM and we ran. It was a good run and it was great to watch the sun slowly rise as we finished. Thanks Erin for being a great running partner!!!!!!!!

Monday (4/17/06)

Today is the day that both Erin and I work out with Chad together. How fun! Boy did he start off fun! Juans!!!!!!!!!! 15 minutes into our workout he had us both panting for breath! Oh and there were stair laps, too! Chad is the man! He never leaves you underworked! He knows what he’s doing!! Afterward Erin and I got on the stairmaster and thanked our lucky stars it was over!

Sunday (4/16/06)

HAPPY EASTER! What a beautiful day! My most favorite part of the day was during the Easter presentation at church. The excitement and atmosphere of praise during the presentation was awesome. Right during the end of it I was fighting back tears of joy when my daughter, Grace, leaned over to me and said, “Mommy I think this is what heaven’s going to be like!” I looked down at her glowing face and just began to cry! I’m pretty sure it will be, too! No workouts today. Just family and worship. Thank you, God! Thank you so much!!!!

Saturday (4/15/06)

One of the best things I’ve received from this competition is new friendships! Today I ran with Erin. She is such a wonderful person!! I love running with her! We increased our time from last time and we committed to run together Tuesday morning at 6AM. She is awesome! She looks great! I’m a little worried about training with her Monday. She just might wipe the floor with me!

Friday (4/14/06)

Good Friday. Today the kids and Jason are off. This day is very special to our whole family. We are so thankful for the sacrifice that Christ made on the cross for us! I tell you the truth – I get just as excited about Easter as I do about Christmas. If He had just been born and nothing else – where would we be? This weekend is about the miracle of supernatural life! Speaking of new life – today I got to work out with Chad!!!!!!! I miss that guy! I haven’t seen him or trained with him in weeks. I was so excited to see him today and share with him some of the progress I’ve made. Boy did he get right to it today! Dead lifts and hipsled. When I went to lift the weight on the hip sled I said to him, “Chad this is the most I’ve ever lifted isn’t it? This is heavy!” He murmered back, “No, you got this.” So I plowed through it. Erin was there talking to us and she couldn’t believe he was making me lift that much. She got a little scared because Chad is going to train both of us together on Monday. We’ll have a blast! When I got done on the hipsled Chad finally fessed up that that was the most I had lifted and that that was more times than I had lifted it as well. He’s so sneaky!! But I love him!! Ran afterwards and called it quits to go home and get ready for the weekend. Birthday party tonight.

Thursday (4/13/06)

Run, run, as fast as you can! You can’t catch me – I’m in the Fitness Challenge, man! OK so I’ve been around kids too much!!! Not much time for anything but running today. Got my 3 miles in. Happy Birthday to the love of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday (4/12/06)

Today I had a workout with Dutch. I haven’t had him in quite a while. It was good to see him. He was still just as ornery as ever. Since he hasn’t been my trainer in a while I think he wanted to see just where I was at. We did lots of isoabs, deadlifts with the heavy ball things while on the bosu ball. (I know I still don’t describe these things very well.) It was fun and I got my running in afterward. Today is my first born son’s birthday so we have to get to kindergarten on time. Will’s taking treats for his birthday. Tomorrow is Jason’s birthday. We are having Will’s birthday party Friday night and Jason and I are going to dinner with friends for his birthday Saturday night. So it’s going to be a busy weekend!

Tuesday (4/11/06)

Today was a busy day and I didn’t get to the gym today. So after supper at 7PM I decided I needed to either go to the gym and get on the elliptical for an hour – or – 3 miles again? This time I decided to do the 3 miles only go a little further. I’d go a block further to the post office and mail some letters. So I wrapped my letters in a plastic baggie and tucked them where I thought they’d go no where then off I went. Up to the post office quickly depositing my letters, throwing away the baggie – then quickly back home without pausing. Well I did pause at the Williams’ house to hug Malorie really really quick! But then all the way home and I beat my time! 35 minutes!!!!

Monday (4/10/06)

Today I’m excited to workout with Rob again! He is really tough!!!! We did a little routine for time. I had to do 25 dead lifts, then 30 wall-ball squats then up the stairs and around the track 5 times. Well when am I going to learn that when we do things for a time you have to beat your time the next time you do it. So without thinking about that I really pushed myself hard and did it as fast as I could. I did it in 5 minutes 11 seconds. So then I caught my breath and had to do it again but this time faster – or stair laps would be my punishment. So I pushed it hard and did it in 5 minutes 5 seconds. Yeah! No stairs. But then he told me I get to do it a third time. And now I was tired. So again the challenge was beat my last time or stairs. So I pushed it but not quite hard enough. My time was 5 minutes 6 seconds. So my punishment was 10 stair laps. But out of the kindness of his heart he let me do then 2 at a time in between upper body lifting. Then when we were done I thought I’d go for my latest challenge. Could I do 2 miles again after all that? I did it!! 2 miles. No more. No less. I’m going home!!!!

Saturday (4/8/06)

So I woke up this morning thinking: If I had a tough workout yesterday and ran 2 miles after can I just take off and run 3 miles? Have I worked up to that yet? You have to understand in college I weighed almost half of what I weigh now and once a semester we had to run 3 miles for a grade. Every semester I felt almost sick I was so nervous about running it. There were more than one semesters that I walked part way through it. So could I do it now? Well I had mapped out from my house up to the downtown square and back and knew it was 3 miles so I threw on my tennis shoes and decided to go for it. Here’s where we get to give Jason a hard time. He said the funniest thing to me as I left. He said, “Before you leave remember you’re not an experienced runner so put your ID in your pocket in case someone ploughs you over they can call me.” Wow! Bless his heart he was thinking about protecting me but it was kinda funny! Well I’m happy to say that I did it! Not record time. 40 minutes. I know some people can walk it that fast, but it was a milestone for me. At least now I know I can do it!!

Friday (4/7/06)

Today I had a great workout with Dutch. I haven’t gotten to work out with him in quite a while. As always he delivered a very tough work out. There were bosu-squats and lunges and everything. I think he was a little surprised when he said we’d do a minute of iso-abs (you know the exercise I used to only last 30 seconds on) and I held all the way through pretty easy. So the next time I did it I had to hold one leg up to make it a little harder. It really is harder that way. So after we were all done I took up my new challenge which is to see if I can run a mile after. I got so excited challenging myself I ran 2 miles! I was pretty excited!

Wednesday (4/5/06)

Today was a great day at the gym! It started out kinda shaky because I was supposed to have Mark and he couldn’t make it in to the gym today and so that kinda left me without a trainer. But to my luck Aaron’s 10AM didn’t show and out of the total kindness of his heart he volunteered to train me today. While waiting for Aaron’s “no show” to not show up I got on the elliptical for about 25 minutes. Then stretched and eagerly went to join Aaron. He really does know how to deliver one tough workout on the fly! Today I got to enjoy my first experience at “drop and burns” – or at least I think that’s what they called it. Basically we did the very toughest weight on a leg machine that I could handle until I couldn’t do one more then he dropped the weight 10 pounds then I did that till I couldn’t do anymore and then he dropped it again 10 pounds….and so on for what I think was about 4 times straight. No resting just driving it out till failure. Just when I thought I would never use my legs again, with the cutest smile he could muster he said, “stairs”! I went to jog up the stairs and actually tripped up the first 2 or 3 because my legs really weren’t working. My brain thought I was going up the stairs. I really wanted to go up the stairs – but my legs just wouldn’t take me. I’m sure they would say they were laughing with me, but I’m pretty sure that Aaron, Tyson, and Jack were laughing at me. We got to do this whole routine 2 or 3 times with my legs and then I had the pleasure of doing 10 stairs! Then we did the whole “drop and burn” routine with the arms. Tough day! Afterwards I got back on the elliptical and Jack and I joked at how tired we were and then just to push myself as far as I could I jogged 7 laps around the track. It was only half a mile – but it was all I could do. I probably would have stayed for some killer abs but Paul Wyman was nowhere to be found! :)

Tuesday (4/4/06)

My children are on spring break. Which means I am most definitely not on spring break. We are having a fun week together and I’m really enjoying the extra time with them. One of the things we are working on this week is teaching my two oldest how to ride bikes. So I can’t tell you how many calories I’ve burned. But running around the driveway and up and down the sidewalk has to count for something, right?

Monday (4/3/06)

Today I trained with Rob. He really is tough! He knows exactly how to turn my legs to jello in about 15 minutes. Part of what we did today involved squats then this thing with the ball that works your abs and legs then straight into a sprint around the track. We did that 5 times and each time I had to try and beat my last time. I really didn’t want to tell Rob that it was kinda fun because I was afraid of how many more times I’d get to do the whole thing. Don’t tell anyone but I really do love sprints. I say don’t tell anyone because it says a lot about my lack of patience. I really admire people like Nichole who can just run for an eternity. I’m with Erin. I’m working on learning to love this whole running thing. I like the calories that it burns!

Friday (3/31/06)

Today I got up at 4:30 am and went out to run. I totally rocked and ran about 5 miles!! Then I showered, cleaned my whole house, got all my kids ready for school, baked a dozen delicious cookies for my husband to take to work, and then headed to the gym to train with Aaron today. APRIL FOOLS! The only part that’s true is the part about going to train with Aaron today! Ok, so the April fool’s is one day early. But I did get a little winded just writing all of that. I trained with Aaron today and was really determined not to get a B+ this time. It was a really tough workout! The blister on my had doubled in size. And when we were finished my legs were so tired I almost couldn’t walk up the stairs to do cool down. I got on the treadmill to try and walk it out and my legs kept giving out underneath me. So I decided to try and run it out on the track. So I know that doesn’t make any sense at all, but that’s what I tried. I sorta jogged 2 laps and called it quits. Any one who saw me must have gotten a good laugh. I thing my 4 year old could have jogged faster! So I guess you can say you gave it your all when you can’t get back down the stairs to leave. Tyson saw me walking down the stairs and totally laughed at me. Good day, Aaron!

Wednesday (3/28/06)

Yeah! I get to train with Dutch today! I haven’t trained with him for several weeks so now is my chance to show him how much I’ve improved! We started out with Juans. Only Dutch decided to make it interesting. He added stair laps! First time through Juans I did one stair lap. Second time through Juans I did two stair laps. We continued that trend through five times and five wonderful stair laps. Have I mentioned lately that I love stair laps? I didn’t? Oh, that’s because they aren’t exactly my favorite. But Dutch knows what he’s doing and they are really good for exhausting my thighs and getting my heart rate up. We got through the hour – I gave it my all and actually finished about 7 minutes early. I thought I’d impress Dutch my volunteering to do 5 laps around the track. Guess what he said? “How about 14?” That’s why these guys make the big bucks! So I pushed it and I’m proud to say through aching feet I got in 16 laps!!! I may not look like I’ve made huge progress but I feel like I’m finally doing things I only wished about before.

Tuesday (3/27/06)

Cardio day!!! Today I went in determined to do as much cardio I could in 90 minutes! I remembered to set the machine so that it would tell me how many calories per minute I was burning – goal of the day is to keep it above 11! So I take off on the elliptical starting out keeping the calories per minute above 12. But then the program I picked kicked into peddling backwards. Ouch! Gluts still sore! Power through! Yeah I made it to 40 minutes still keeping it above 11. But then my toes went numb. I know that sounds crazy but I’ve been having this problem with my toes going numb and my feet getting sharp pains in the balls of my feet and my heels. I got new tennis shoes and expected I guess to just float on a cloud today? Wrong! Well I made it to 55 minutes on the elliptical and burned about 620 calories. Done. Thank you very much and see ya later!

Monday (3/26/06)

Today I went in not knowing who I was training with. So I get there and ask someone to check the book for me to tell me who I’m training with. ROB!!!!!!!! Did someone not tell him that he totally out did himself (and me) last week!!?? I was actually excited to see if I could take what he had to dish out today. I did my best! The only time I think I wimped out a little bit is when he had me do these chin up things. You have to climb up on these steps that don’t really hold you up and then do chin ups. Those burgers are hard!!! I told Rob I think that these should be reserved for the big boys. He said, “Consider yourself a big boy.” You just don’t get it do you, Rob? I don’t want to be a haas(or horse?). I don’t want to be a stud. I don’t want to be a big boy. I’m thinking like really slim and tone like the actress in the Terminator! I don’t want to be a Terminator – I wanna be able to destroy one!

Saturday (3/25/06)

Went in to the gym this morning to get my cardio in. It took every ounce of me to make myself go! I was so sore and tired. So I get in there and it’s so quiet! I asked someone where everyone was at. At the run!!!! I didn’t even know there was one! So Michelle and Erin you two rock in my book! Next time I’m running with you!!!

Friday (3/24/06)

One hour with Chad is like two hours in the lions’ den. Good thing I pray to the same God as Daniel! No I’m just kidding! It was a great workout with Chad. I told him how sore my hamstrings and gluts were from earlier with Rob and so what do you guess we worked on? You guessed it!! My buns were burning!! Thanks Chad for pushing me to my limits!

Thursday (3/23/06)

Help! Can’t walk! Buns, legs, pain! Ouch, it hurts when I laugh!

Wednesday (3/22/06)

Today I trained with Rob again. I found out 20 minutes into the workout that I didn’t eat enough breakfast. Just for future reference 240 calories worth of wholegrain cereal isn’t quite enough before training. I need protein also. But that’s one of the cool things about this competition. I’m starting to learn what is actually good for my body and what makes me the strongest. Rob said today we were going to kill my legs today – boy was he right! I’d describe what all we did today but my legs hurt too bad to remember. See ya tomorrow if I can still walk.

Tuesday (3/21/06)

Cardio day! I’m a little sore from Monday. Rob was kinda tough. I came in and did an hour of elliptical today. OK – 55 minutes. But I didn’t cheat the last five minutes. My goal was 600 calories and I got them done in 55 minutes so I stopped. I know that Tyson, Chad, well just about any of them would have said to keep going if I could. But I had to get Will to kindergarten so I quit with the 600 calories. My new goal on the elliptical is to keep the calorie counter higher than the time. For example: when I’ve been on 10 minutes the calorie counter should say 101 calories or higher. I thought is was pretty keen thinking on my part. Then Rob told me there’s a neat little thing on the read out that tells you how many calories you’re burning per minute. He said I could just make sure that it stays above 10 calories per minute. OK. So that’s another way of tracking it. Smarty pants!

Monday (3/20/06)

Today I got to train with Rob for the first time. I don’t think he was worried about first impressions because his first words were, “We’re gonna start out with a little something called ‘Juan’s’.” Who told him they were my favorite? J Today I feel great, I have a new trainer, and darn it – I’m wanting to win! So I gave it my all. The goal was to do 5 sets within 10 minutes. Rob said if I did it in 10 minutes then I’m real “hass”. Well Dutch and I explained to him very respectfully that under no circumstances would I ever want to be a “hass”. So I think he clarified it to something like “the bomb” so I gave it my all did the whole thing in 10 minutes and 42 seconds. Next time I’m losing those 42 seconds!! The rest of the workout was pretty tough, too. We ended it as delightfully as it began. Some wonderful iso abs! Finished with cardio and left. Good day!

Friday (3/17/06)

It’s always so fun to train two days in a row! J Today I met and trained with Nick Rush for the first time. Nick is a real power-lifter and had what could be described as a slight “injury”. While lifting extremely heavy weights he had burst the blood vessels in his eyes a couple days before and his eyes looked kinda scary! Pretty much everywhere they should be white they were filled with blood. I felt kinda sorry for him but he said it didn’t hurt. But just to feel safe I told him I wasn’t interested in having something like that happen to me! He is a really nice guy and it was a great workout. I think it’s a real privilege getting to learn from all the trainers. Thanks, Nick!

Thursday (3/16/06)

Today I trained with Mark. To my surprise he had sat down and planned out the workout the night before and had a lot in store for me. I definitely got my cardio going while doing several fast jumps on and off a step really fast. I don’t really know how to describe the routine he had me do but if you’ve ever played tennis or another sport where you did side-to-side jumps to quicken your foot work it was kinda like that only onto a step and with three different variations. And just when I thought I couldn’t breathe anymore I got to put on the 40 pound vest again! I think it’s so ironic how I’m trying desperately to lose 40 pounds and every time I turn around they are making me put it back on! I just had to laugh when I put on the vest and said, “Tell me this doesn’t involve stairs.” Oh yes. It did involve stairs. And the full track. It went something like this… up the stairs around the track and back down the stairs then straight to upperbody weights then back up the stairs and around the track and down again and then more upperbody weights and back up the stairs…..and so on and so on. You get the picture. Mark knows his stuff! I was surprised, challenged, and pushed to my limit! And for the record I never said “can’t”.

Tuesday (3/14/06)

I didn’t get to go to the gym today because it was a very busy day! But I wanted to say, “Hello!” to Charlie and Joe. Thursday is my next training session and I’m dedicating that one to “the guys”.

Monday (3/13/06)

Today was a great day. Chad always delivers a great workout! At one point my arms were so sore I wondered if I’d be able to drive home. I had a great talk with Chad. I tend to be pretty results oriented and have been a little frustrated because my weight loss has stayed right around 10 pounds. I told Jeff Kovaleski that this week would be “catch up with Jeff week”. But Chad gave me a good coach talk and reminded me that it took 10 years to get this out of shape and I won’t undo it all overnight. So I’m determined to keep at it, work hard this week, eat right, and focus on being healthier and stronger.

Saturday (3/11/06)

Yeah it’s Saturday! I met my friend Melinda at the ellipticals again. We did our hour of cardio and then went down and did some weights. The fun part was when we saw a guy doing this thing where he stepped up on this piece of equipment where your back goes on a pad, your forearms hold you up and then you lift your knees using your abs. So like you’re hanging in the air suspending yourself with your forearms so the only way to lift your knees is to work your abs. I saw him do it and thought there was no way I could do that! So Melinda and I tried it ready to laugh at ourselves. We were delighted and surprised to find that we could do it! We didn’t do it ten million times – but we did it!!

Friday (3/10/06)

Today I really dragged myself to the gym. The last two days my kids were sick, we had doctors appointments, my husband had evening meetings – and well the long and short of it was I didn’t really get in any cardio. So with the lack of cardio and the lack of sleep I was a little tired before I ever got there today. I’ll be honest, I really was looking forward to working out with Aaron today. We had a great workout last week! I really pushed it today, but have to admit I was a little slow and a little whiny. But it was a great workout! The best thing about working with different trainers is you never know what you’re going to do! Most of it was a blur of sweat but one part resonates in my mind. Did you know that they make a ball that looks deceivingly like a basketball only it weighs about twice what my 4 year old weighs? I think it’s called a medicine ball? I’m not sure – ‘cause really there’s nothing medicinal about it! Let’s just say if I ever had to carry my 4 year old on my shoulder and run up the stairs, around the track, and back down the stairs again – I could do it. Did it at least 5 times? It was fun and again I left exhausted. I think that was the plan all along.

Monday (3/6/06)

Today was very interesting. I got to the gym a little early. Chad had some scheduling conflicts so I was actually there an hour early. So in order to make best use of time I knocked out 300 calories on the elliptical, ran 2 laps with two of my new gym buddies, ran some stairs with my friend Heather, then started a couple of dead lifts when Chad walked up ready to start. Then we proceeded into a very productive hour that included several more stairs, mountain climbers, lunges, stairs, fun, fun, and more fun. Well I can be thankful of this…I’m pretty sure I burned somewhere in the ballpark of 1,000 calories. Are we having fun yet?

Saturday (3/4/06)

Bright and early on a Saturday morning where’s the best place in Kokomo to be? OK so it’s in bed snuggled up next to my Romeo (my husband). But let me tell you the second best place to be is the Powerhouse Gym! I met my great friend Melinda on the ellipticals at 8AM and we started some serious cardio! 60 minutes later we had knocked out 600 calories! It’s a great way to start a weekend!!!

Friday (3/3/06)

Yeah! My first workout with Tyson! I think the one of the greatest bonuses of being a contestant in this fitness challenge is getting to know all the trainors and people who make Powerhouse a true Power – House! I would love to say that this was just the funnest workout ever. Yeah, fun isn’t exactly a good describer word for it. He was so tough! I did three sets of “Juan’s” with – get this – a 40 pound weight vest on!! I’d describe the whole painful ordeal but most of it is kinda foggy. I believe there were some stairs involved also. Let’s just say the “step ups” part of it – well those are killer with my own weight! But Tyson was encouraging and driving and inspite of my tears I actually made it out of there alive. And here’s one thing I learned: It felt so good taking that 40 pounds off!! Just think what I’ll feel like when I ACTUALLY get 40 pounds lighter!!!! I can hardly wait!!

Tuesday (2/28/06)

Good day today! I went to the gym today and got in extra cardio. I had the pleasure of being on an elliptical next to a wonderful man named Jack. Jack has been coming in for about 5 weeks and has been doing personal training with Tyson. He’s a grandpa and father who is doing so wonderful!! When I saw him today I was just so impressed with how great he’s looking! He looks like he has already added years to his life! Great job, Jack! Keep it up! Your family should be so proud of you! I’ve not yet met an unfriendly face at the Powerhouse. It’s definitely becoming a place I look forward going to!

Monday (2/27/06)

I’m back! I left last Thursday to go out of town and just got back Sunday night. It was a wonderful weekend retreat! I’m back refreshed, refocused and ready to work hard this week! My weekend didn’t leave time to get in any real workouts, but I’m proud to report that I was very good with my eating choices. This particular retreat is known as the Great Banquet and is appropriately named because there was tons of food everywhere! But I chose nuts, celery, and carrots for snacks and put aside rolls, desserts, and high fat/carb foods. So all in all I felt like I controlled myself pretty well given the environment and I didn’t gain any weight. I had a workout today with Chad. It was a fairly tough workout! My buns were sore by the time I left!! Ouch! And did I mention I worked out last Thursday with Aaron before I left? Oh my was it a tough one! All weekend my buns were sore!! This weekend was the most sore I’ve been so far. I’m looking forward to a hard working week!

Tuesday (2/21/06)

Today was my off day. Just so we are all clear here – that means “off” as in I didn’t work out with a trainer. But I was there at 10AM getting on the elliptical. I decided to see how fast I could knock out 500 calories on it. Before today I’ve only been able to do it in about 55 minutes. I pushed and pumped and did my best and was able to do it in 46 minutes and 32 seconds. Thursday my goal is going to be to do it in under 45 minutes. I told Ty my time feeling all proud of my self. Boy am I a novice! He said, “Hey if you can do 500 in under 45 minutes…” – here I just knew he was about to say, “you’ll be doing really great!” But instead he finished, “…then you can up your calories!” Silly little me! Boy do I have a ways to go!!!

Monday (2/20/06)

Jason was home today and off for President’s day so the whole family got to be together. Yeah! We all went to the gym together this morning because I thought my training with Chad was at 10AM. Again, I messed up my schedule and it was really at 1PM. Since we were all there we went ahead and stayed to give Jason time to get a work-out in and because my kids love the gym and would have had a fit if we would have tried to leave! I just couldn’t help myself; I just had to go to Group Power. Kim was teaching with Chad and it was one of the most fun classes ever! I was having so much fun that I forgot to lessen my weights for the arms and upper body section. Wow! I had burning in my biceps even after I left. So then I came back and worked with Chad after lunch and resting a little. I asked Chad if he was going to take it easy on me since I did Group Power earlier and he said, “Not a chance!” One thing you can say about Chad: he keeps a promise! My workout with him today involved the special treat of running up and down the stairs 5 times in a row – 5 separate times in between weighted lunges. Fun! It was a beautiful President’s Day. And when I become President, Kokomo Powerhouse Gym will be named the Official Presidential Gym! :)

Sunday (2/19/06)

What a great day at church!! I love church! I consider myself really blessed to have a great church that it’s impossible to fall asleep in. We have great praise and worship and awesome Pastors! I found some great statistics today for getting involved in your weekend worship. According to if you attend a religious ceremony and sit quietly you burn an average 81 calories per hour. However if you stand, sit, walk around and actively participate at church you burn 102 calories per hour. If you’ve been avoiding volunteering to usher – quit avoiding! Ushers burn an average 136 calories per hour and those who play instruments burn 170 calories per hour. If your church has praise music that makes you want to dance (like mine) – then don’t be reserved about clapping and joining in because you’re apt to burn up to 340 calories per hour! All I know is that today I left feeling happier and free! And I’m logging all the calories I can.

Saturday (2/18/06)

This weekend my husband is out-of-town, and so I really am working at staying where I need to be for the challenge. I didn’t get to the gym today, but I’m pretty sure I burned some good cardio running through my house cleaning like a mad woman. That sounds like a cop-out but I really did get my heart rate up for a solid hour and a half while running through trying to pick up every room, scrub down all the bathrooms, sweep all the floors and mop the kitchen and hardwood floors. Oh, and chase around two great little rambunctious boys while trying to get it all done before the babysitter came so I could leave for work. I didn’t get in my eating every 2 ½ hours but I did stay within my total calorie limitations. I’ll do better come Monday.

Friday (2/17/06)

I love Fridays!! I do have to admit that I was so tempted to begin my journal with “busy day” again, but I’m just as tired of hearing myself whine about it as you are. There are worse things than too busy!! The alternative – bored and lonely – is endured by many who would be glad to change places with me in a heart beat. Instead I will exclaim thankfully that I have a FULL and blessed life! I had a great (and loud) workout with Chad today. I love Chad! I have to make a public apology to him. Today in my whining I said something really stupid while he generously added weight to my machine. Mostly out of slacker attitude I said, “Chad, I want to be thinner not huge like you.” He very diplomatically reminded me that he is very skilled, educated, and knowledgeable in what he does - and I think something about quit whining and give it my all. Well I just have to say that I can’t even believe I doubted him for a moment. I don’t think I really did doubt him – I think I was just being a weenie. But at any rate I am here to say that I completely trust Chad Coy!! He and his wife, Kim, are so wonderful at what they do! He really does know his stuff!!! He lives this and he daily makes a wonderful difference in the lives of many. I know that sounds a bit grand – but it’s true! There are some people who save lives everyday in an emergency room when people have no time left. Then there is Chad. I think he gives people time they never would have had without him and helps them live better and longer lives! Thanks, Chad! You’re the man! I don’t doubt you. I owe you.

Thursday (2/16/06)

Today was too busy! I know because I’m a stay at home mom I’m supposed to float around the house in a preppy little dress and perfect little pumps with perfectly styled hair while cooking and cleaning and giving sweet little kisses on perfect little noses. WRONG! I am not Mrs. Cleaver! While I do try to fit in the sweet little kisses on perfect little noses – I find myself making mad dashes through the house. I clean. But only what screams loudest at me. And then there were the 20 errands I needed to run for the kids’ school, my husband and my weekend job. So of course I got most of these done while still in my sweaty gym clothes because time only allowed for me to go to the gym first. Good news is during my errands my sister and sister-in-law called and asked me to stop in McD’s for a quick bite of lunch. So while the kids got to play for 20 minutes I had to make a very smart choice of what I would eat at the tajmahal of temptation. Did you know that the fruit and yogurt parfait WITH granola is only 160 kcals? I must report that it was a sweet treat totally within my nutrition boundaries! Hallelujah I have found some redemption at McD’s!!

Wednesday (2/15/06)

Today was a pretty busy day again. I did pretty good about eating small amounts of healthy food every 2-3 hours and felt great the whole day. I had a wonderful workout with Adrian! My arms were totally rubber by the time we were done! At one point I went past my biceps burning – we kept going – to uncontrollable delirious giggles because Adrian was really enjoying the fact that he had helped me work my arms to exhaustion. I’m not sure which made me laugh harder: the exhaustion delirium or the little happy dance Adrian did when tears filled my eyes! :)

Tuesday (2/14/06)

Yeah!! Valentines day! Today marks exactly 12 and a half years since my husband and I were married! He is wonderful and I love him more than I could ever express! He was very sweet and sent me roses. I’m so thankful he was thoughtful enough not to send chocolates! I also got very special notes and hugs from my kids! I’m very thankful!! I’m also a tiny bit proud of my self. We went to a Valentine’s Soiree that we were invited to and there facing me was a huge table of every kind of cheesecake you can imagine! I knew I couldn’t take just one bite – so I took none! Not one bite. Then I went home and got on my skier for 45 minutes. I’m serious! I’m doin’ this!!!!

Monday (2/13/06)

I don’t feel great today but I’m sick of being sick so I’m just not going to be! I had a great work out with Adrian!! I think he was a little nice to me because he didn’t want me to share any of my germs with him. But he still pushed me through a great work out! I tell you, I’m getting a little addicted to this place! These guys are good!!!! I the past I’ve stuck to the elliptical machines and the classes upstairs and left the downstairs to the real athletes. So I feel kinda privlidged to get to sweat and grunt down in the cool area with the buff guys. I know I’m nuts – but even though it’s painful – it’s fun!!!!!

Sunday (2/12/06)

Very sick today! Let’s not go in to the gory details!

Saturday (2/11/06)

There is a first time for everything! Today for I think the first time in my life I got up on a Saturday morning and went in to the gym! I woke up feeling kinda sick and to be honest it kept increasing all day long. I think that I’ve got a sinus infection setting in. But I decided to push past the sniffles and get on the elliptical until I cranked out some pretty decent calories. While I still didn’t physically feel well when I left – I was smiling. I have to admit I felt pretty good that I did it anyway. And you know what? The gym is a pretty nice place on Saturday mornings! (I can’t believe I just said that!)

Friday (2/10/06)

OK, if you don’t want anyone to know you’re doing this challenge – don’t train with Chad! There are two very good reasons why I say this. 1) He WILL push you to achieve results!!!! 2) He is so focused on helping you that everyone else in the gym will hear him focusing on you!!!! If that sounds like I’m picking on Chad I’m not! He is a hero in so many ways. I really enjoyed my training time with him today. He somehow got me to keep pushing when my legs turned to rubber! He somehow kept inspiring me when I wanted to cry! He pushed and pushed until I could honestly say I had nothing left. That’s why I think he and the trainors are so great! He helped me work to an extent that I could have never have reached on my own. I don’t know what all we win at the end of this thing – one thing for sure – we’ve won already by getting to work with the trainors at Powerhouse!!!!

Thursday (2/9/06)

Today I started my day with a powerbar and coffee. No I haven’t gotten rid of the coffee yet. It’s not laced with chocolate anymore, so I’m giving myself a little credit there. Then after rushing around to get Grace to school and stuff I rushed on over to the gym just to be there in time for Group Power. I’m telling you this is a great class!! It has all the fun music of an aerobics class without the bopping around, but instead very empowering resistance training. Resistance training sounds impressive ( I actually picked it up from listening in on the real athletes lingo) but it simply means you lift light to moderate weights. While I’ve probably just made it sound boring but it is tons of fun. But my favorite part by far was the inspiration provided by the instructor – Shelly Weiss. When I grow up I want to be just like her!!! She had on cool yoga pants and a midriff workout shirt. So there was my inspiration! She has rockin’ abs and a pierced belly button! So while I may be ruthlessly optimistic I’m adding it to my list. When I finish this thing all the way to my goal I’m determined to have abs like hers! And while I may not show it to anyone other than my husband – I just may get my belly button pierced!

Wednesday (2/8/06)

So my plan is to work out at the gym 5 days a week. Today I had some other commitments so it was not one of my gym days. I’m keeping a food journal and planning smart choices for food. One of the changes that really is making a huge difference is the gallon of water a day. It’s helping me cut back my coffee. I’m one of those mom’s who makes a pot of coffee in the morning and sometimes my husband takes a cup before he leaves for work. Sometimes he doesn’t, yet by mid-morning I’m turning off an empty coffee pot! No wonder I’m so hyper. It takes me a while to wake up in the morning and the coffee really helps, but it’s all the creamer and sweetner that I add to it that really add up. I counted out how much creamer I usually use and found that I normally put in 50-80 calories of creamer into one cup of coffee. Multiply that over at least 4-5 cups of coffee and you’ve got something that adds up quickly. But I’m finding that with starting the day by drinking 20oz. of water before I drink my first cup of coffee helps so much that all I usually want is that first cup! One bad habit down and 10,000 more to go!

Tuesday (2/7/08)

It worked! Today went much better! I planned my food for the day. I planned to drink one gallon of water through the day. And I planned to get to the gym early today. Only one problem. In my zealousness I decided to take one of the Power Hour classes BEFORE I met with my trainor. Don’t ever do it!!! The class was great! Everyone should do one of these classes! The training session was great! What a great guy Adrian is. He really knows his stuff. I learned some things and he pushed me way harder than I would have pushed myself. The problem is that I couldn’t give him all I got because I didn’t have enough left! Ten minutes before training was supposed to be over my head felt dizzy and I felt like I was going to be sick! I felt so bad that I pooped out. From now on the idea is to give it all to the trainor and then push myself by taking as much of a class as I can or by getting in some cardio on one of the machines. Duh, Candi!

Monday (2/6/06)

Today was the big day! Yeah! I learned one major lesson today that will really help through this Fitness Challenge. I HAVE TO PLAN TO SUCCEED. OK, so I didn’t pre-plan my day and let’s just say it was obvious by the way it all fell out. First I ran late to the gym (ten minutes!) which meant that I ran out of time and didn’t get to finish all that I should have done there. I did get to meet with a trainor and we went over what we’d be doing and all the details. Then he told me to begin by getting in 500 calories on the Eliptical (cross breed between stair master and treadmill). I only got in 400 calories because, as you can imagine, it takes a little while to burn that many calories. But it didn’t take long to eat that many calories. When I left the gym I was running behind schedule to get my son to kindergarten so we had to go through – McDonalds! What a way to start a new fit life! I heard Zig Ziglar once say, “If you plan for nothing you’ll hit it everytime”. True. Tonight I’m planning how the day will go tomorrow.

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