Friday, September 22, 2006

Misery loves company!

OK, I am such a bad person! I just read my friend, Michelle's, blog. I must say I smiled and smirked to know that she has had a similar week to mine. I know it's mean, but you see, she is just perfect in so many ways...and well knowing she also isn't a morning person gives me slight enjoyment. My husband has also been gone this week. I wrote in my last blog how I was gathering myself up and changing my attitude because I had been quite the baby because he was getting to go to New York and not me. OK - the truth is that this has turned into a week long battle. At times I've swayed from good attitude to bad attitude as fast as within 15 minutes periodically. There you have it. I feel like the Apostle Paul when he says, "the things I want to do I don't do, and the things I don't want to do I do." If you just inserted "feel" in there everytime it says "do" you'd have some insight into my internal battle this week. I'm not as smart as Michelle. I guess I keep thinking that if I don't go to bed then he's not really gone. It's so silly! I know that I'll be the one with the kids the whole next day - and it's not fair to have a sleepy mommy. A sleepy mommy is a grumpy mommy in our house. My boys are so funny. They get up in the middle of the night and they stealthily walk into my room and then just stand at the side of the bed until I wake up. So it's always a startling wake up while I whisper out loudly, "who's there?" I don't know why I ask because it's always one of the boys- but I have to admit it scares me everytime. But I am such a sleepy head that I don't get up and walk them back to their bed. I just pull back the covers and let them in. Grace just sleeps quietly in her own bed. Did I say quietly? Oh I forgot to mention that she often talks loudly or yells out in her sleep. She's such a social child that she must dream of playing with her friends because I'll be sound asleep and then she'll yell out, "I'm next!" Or, "Will!" Sometimes she just laughs really loud. It suddenly wakes me up and I sit straight up in bed and it takes me a minute to figure out what just happened. As loudly as Jason snores you'd think that when he's gone I'd sleep like a baby. But I don't. And just like Michelle I spend most of the morning with the coffee cup pressed against my lips. I even decorated my kitchen in coffee decor. So now I'm sitting here singing, "The best part of waking Foldgers in my cup!"
Please go to the following connection and enjoy!
Or if you really love mornings like me and this one!!!!


michelle said...

It is so nice to know I am "perfect" in someones world. :-)

Coffee is God's gift to the non-morning people.

michelle said...

I love Jay's comment and the fact that he would comment on my blog. We love you guys and miss you dearly.

Don't worry "his secret" is safe with us (aka--next blog topic--hee hee).
He needs to ask Rich about a kid's SW b-day party where he was the man of honor.

Margaret said...

This is the one that really made me laugh. Thanks for the laughs at 11:45 at night! I can't wait to show Davey the clips. He will get a hoot out of them. Love 'em! Your friend, M