Saturday, May 06, 2006

Saturday (4/8/06)

So I woke up this morning thinking: If I had a tough workout yesterday and ran 2 miles after can I just take off and run 3 miles? Have I worked up to that yet? You have to understand in college I weighed almost half of what I weigh now and once a semester we had to run 3 miles for a grade. Every semester I felt almost sick I was so nervous about running it. There were more than one semesters that I walked part way through it. So could I do it now? Well I had mapped out from my house up to the downtown square and back and knew it was 3 miles so I threw on my tennis shoes and decided to go for it. Here’s where we get to give Jason a hard time. He said the funniest thing to me as I left. He said, “Before you leave remember you’re not an experienced runner so put your ID in your pocket in case someone ploughs you over they can call me.” Wow! Bless his heart he was thinking about protecting me but it was kinda funny! Well I’m happy to say that I did it! Not record time. 40 minutes. I know some people can walk it that fast, but it was a milestone for me. At least now I know I can do it!!

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